In ndnSIm we can obtain different metrics by default such as rateTracer, appDelayTracer and csTracer. You can even write your own tracer in ndnSIM. Following are some steps which i followed to obtain graphs in R studio using the results generated by ndnSIM. 1. Copy the tracer file (in my case it is rate-trace.txt) from ns-3 folder and paste it into the working directory of R Studio (recommended). Note : type getwd() in R studio console and it will show you the path to the working directory. In my case the path is ("C:/Users/Atif/Documents"). 2. Install ggplot2 package in R studio if you don't have it already. 3. Run following code for and get all graphs library (ggplot2) data = read.table("C:/Users/Atif/Documents/rate-trace.txt", header=TRUE) ggplot(data, aes(x=Time, y=Kilobytes, color=Type)) + geom_line () + facet_wrap(~ FaceDescr) Conclusion Above mentioned steps are very basic and easy to use. if you have any questi...